
Movie reviews

There are some good movies out there right now, but not like the movies of the past. We have seen the way that CG has caused us to enter into worlds that we have never dreamed of and seen creatures that were only in dreams(or Nightmares). But what about those classics that brought us to where we are now. I guess one of the most argued Question in history is what is the BEST movie out there. Of course you have the Brain dead that will say The Godfather without taking a breath, but if you put some real thought into it, there are many movie that are worth considering. There is one Movie in 1984 that really stirs me RED DAWN I have seen a lot of movies over the years, but there is something raw about the way that it was filmed. The idea of America being under seize. We have all types of war movies out there, but none of them go this direction. And the timing of this movie being at the peak of the Cold War with the Russians could put a chill in anyone during those days. I remember nights as a 13 year old boy looking up in the sky and thinking that at any time we could be seeing a missile in the sky that could destroy us in a blink of an eye. I actually remembered crying in bed not wanting to die yet. I know I wasn't the only one that felt that we were on the edge of a razor blade in those days. When I saw this movie, it was very disturbing. If you truely want to see a good movie, go to the video store and rediscover this classic. It may not be the greatest movie ever made, ( it was knocked out of the running just because Patrick Swayze is in it) but it had a very strong impact on our generation growing up in some pretty scary times

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